Preparing for Two!

Whether you are a first time mom or you have had a few kids already; hearing that you are pregnant with twins is both exciting and terrifying. It is double the joy, but it comes with a lot of challenges. Are you ready to take on the challenge of preparing for two? It is guaranteed to be one thing you will certainly never forget.

The Challenge of Two

A single child on the way means that you have a lot of preparing to deal with. It means you must read reviews and find the perfect crib, the perfect carrier, and more. You have to choose a name for your new little bundle and often this can cause a lot of heated talks between families and the parents of the soon to be baby.CribForTwins

With two infants coming, you have even more preparation to deal with, more heated conversations about names, and more. It is a time of wonder. You will watch your belly grow faster than you were expecting and you will be both terrified and thrilled when you think of having double the diapers to change, double the bottles to fill, double night feedings, and in general, double the responsibility.

Prepare for Everything

nursingpillowAs the parents of a single child, you know that relaxing before the birth is key. The same can be said for when you come home with twins. You should be prepared to not have much time after delivery. This may mean preparing dinners that you can freeze and then heat up when you do not feel like cooking. It may mean getting the house organized more completely, especially the kitchen where you may have to prepare bottles and such and the nursery where you will change and cuddle with your little ones. This way, when it is 3am and you have not been to bed yet, you can stumble through getting bottles prepared and know where the diapers, wipes, and other necessities are. It may also be time to look for a baby carrier for twins that you feel comfortable using because it will free up your hands and allow you to spend your time snuggling and handling some of life’s chores that do not stop just because you have two little lives to care for.

Enjoy Every Minute

TwinsPillowEventually, your little ones will get out of the newborn stage. They will gain some independence. They will show you what life as a new mommy to twins is all about. Having twins around is going to be a wonderful experience. They will always have a best friend, but as they grow, they will still want a lot of your attention. They will love the snuggle time and you will get to enjoy double the kisses for all of your effort. That will make every struggle you have worth it, times two and you will be glad that you survived because you put in the effort to prepare for two little bundles of joy at one time.